Tuesday Tuneage
Nirvana - "Stay Away"
Curbside 2021
Yes I’m that guy standing on the curb hoping somebody inside will see me. No, I don’t have a make or color of car, just wearing jeans, tee shirt, ballcap. I’d like my hoagie and chips, I already paid and tipped online. And I’m dropping off my cat who needs emergency care.
No, I don’t have a number for a parking stall that I’m in. Yes, I assure you I won’t walk through the door and be a bad guy, a villain, even though I am wearing a mask. I’d just like to pick up my chicken dinner and side salad. And pay the veterinary bill with a couple of credit cards so I can take my cat home.
I haven’t had a car in ten years, that’s why I’m standing here. Yeah, it’s been walking and buses and cabs. I don’t mind it here on the curb except when it’s cold out, then I’ll have the food delivered. Do you deliver veterinary care?
Standing curbside digging the phone out of my pocket, the folks in their cars look happy, smiles all around when the door to the building opens and staff emerges with bags of food and carriers and furry friends on leashes.
Hoping somebody will answer the phone and not put me on hold so I can get my stir fry and egg rolls. And prescription for my cat who had the urinary blockage. Help me out and then send me on my way, I’d like to get home to eat this delicious meal. And monitor litter box usage to ensure my cat doesn’t have to come back.
Please please please someone release me from this curb.