A Couple Of Emails Received This Week Clear Up Some Things:
1) From Daniel Levitin -
On your website, when you describe the SNL skit, I can clarify the situation about Bruce Dickinson. There is ANOTHER Bruce Dickinson (not the Iron Maiden guy) who used to work for Columbia Records. He repackaged a bunch of already recorded BOC songs onto a compilation album, which carries the credit "Produced by Bruce Dickinson." He didn't produce any of the individual tracks, only the compilation. The SNL writers apparently used this CD as their information source about who the producer of "Reaper" was.
2) From Darrel Baird -
Read your article on Angel City. I manage two of The Angels. Rick & John Brewster and The Angels are now performing again in Australia. We will have an official website up and running soon, in the mean time people can purchase Brewster Brother new EP 'ANY DAY' at the below sites (http://www.bluetongue1.com and http://www.brewsterbrothers.com) via PAY PAL.