And It Was 1974 or 1975 That Took the Crown
This afternoon I finally put away the CDs which have been piling up in front of my stereo since ... oh probably since Christmas. I'm extremely lazy about putting CDs away. I play 'em then generally leave 'em in the six-disc changer then when I take 'em out I put 'em in their cases and set 'em on the floor in front of the stereo rather than filing 'em away. It (inadvertently) gives my living room that slacker-music-geek look, what with all the vinyl lined up inches away in front of the TV stand.
Anyway, the by-decade breakdown of the discs I've been listening to the past four-plus months:
1950s - seven discs
1960s - eight
1970s - twenty-eight
1980s - nine
1990s - twelve
2000s - fourteen