The Babs Bush Drunk Gene Lives On!
I'm guessing that Dubya and his kin get their drunk genes from his mom, the fugly former first lady. Pappy Bush ran the CIA and I don't think you can do that job while drunk, if only because you should be sober when negotiating with the Mafia to do your dirty work.
The Babs Bush Drunk Gene Roll Call:
Son and Momma's Boy, George W.
Granddaughter, Noelle Bush (Jeb's daughter)
Grandson, John Ellis Bush (Jeb's son) (Look - he's biting his tongue trying not to say: "Don't you know who I am??")
Granddaughter, Jenna Bush (Dubya's daughter)
Granddaughters, Jenna and Barbara Bush (Dubya's daughters)
And when while at the Astrodome visiting Katrina evacuees, Babs may have been drunk when she said: "Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them."
But I suspect that she is just plain mean.