I Love It When "Punk" Is Used In Old-School Fashion
On Pardon the Interruption today, Michael Wilbon correctly called Sergio Garcia a "snivelling punk" and suggested that Garcia should eat his meals while on all fours because of the way he chokes when around the incomparable Tiger Woods.
And apparently having this year's PGA Championship held near Chicago led Garcia to channel Jeff Dubay's sorry excuses for why the Chicago Bears had such a great season last year and apply them to Tiger Woods. Here he is, explaining Tiger's success, using a variation typical Purple fan's "the other (i.e. better) team got all the breaks."
"Everything went his way, too. The bad shots he hit all week long, he got away with them."
Face it, Sergio: you're a never-was on that long road to has-been. Cute outfits, though.