Monday I was on a conference call with a client and one of their clients. The 1-800 number I was given to access the call instead gave a recorded message directing me to another 1-800 number where I could "meet new people." My client emailed with the correct number, which I dialed and got into the conference call. I said hi, but was so tempted to add: "I liked that other number better, I almost got a date." But I kept my lips zipped.
Today I watched Pardon the Interruption while on the treadmill at the YMCA. The opening went like this:
"Pardon the interruption, but I'm Mike Wilbon. Two days before the Fourth of July, Bobby. You got your party plans ready?"
"I'm Bob Ryan. Cheap whiskey and illegal fireworks. Happy birthday, America!"
To which in the background, Tony Reali was heard to howl and start up with the USA! chant.
After PTI, I headed for the water fountain. I ran into a gal who used to work at Y, we always greet each other and sometimes make small talk when we run into each other. She asked me how I planned to celebrate the Fourth. I almost said "with cheap whiskey and illegal fireworks," but bit my tongue and instead mumbled something about watching the Twins that afternoon.
Dammit! When I am finally gonna unleash some of my "A" material (or Bob Ryan's)??