Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday Tuneage
Bad Company - "Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy"

Go out on the main road, then down the hill, there was the resort. They had cabins for rent, and at times they actually were rented. For food there was chintzy frozen pizzas they’d heat up and crappy frozen burgers they would nuke. If you were old enough, you could order 3.2 beer or bring a bottle for set-ups. But we went there for the candy: All kinds of it on display behind the bar, also pop in the back room fridge.

Once we got old enough to see over the pool table we were also old enough to spare some candy money to play songs on the jukebox. A dime for one song, a quarter for three. Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy, Elvira, Centerfold, Rockin' Into The Night, You May Be Right, Even It Up. Play more pool, put more change in the jukebox. You come up with a quarter? Choose a song and then hand the other two to your buddies to pick. Play pool badly. Make jokes, try to be funny. Recycle a line you heard on a cop show about brawling outside with pool cues. It’s not clear whether the cues should be used like swords or clubs. The dimes and quarters keep us in own little world of songs and wisecracks. Far, far away from the day drinkers at the bar, huddled over their beers, hoping for relief from the sun outside.