Safety First
Get Drunk In The Basement And You Won't Fall Down The Stairs
I recall that during my brother's college or post-college years in Greeley, Colorado, they had a tornado warning and he and his buds headed for a bar that was located in a basement. (Randy, please chime in for further details or corrections.) In that spirit, and after hearing the warning sirens go off tonight during our heavy storms, I have a short list of Twin Cites bars that have bars located in basements:
Williams Bar - Uptown Minneapolis
Turf Club - St. Paul Midway
Dinkytowner Cafe - Dinkytown
Half-Time Rec - St. Paul
Others might include:
Spring Street Bar (is the basement open other than Motley Tuesdays?) - Northeast Minneapolis
Nye's? - Northeast Minneapolis
Fowl Play? - Dinkytown
Any others? Feel free to comment. It'd be a big help to those of us without basements.