Aside from the Corruption, the Illegal Bombing of Cambodia, and the Anti-Semitism ...
I got the creeps watching "Hardball" the other night and Andrea Mitchell read this part of the White House tapes to Chris Matthews. The "Nixon would have been a great president (if only he weren't a crook)" revisionists can chew on this one:
Nixon: “What can we do about it?”
Halderman: “If we move on him, he‘ll go out and unload everything. He knows everything that‘s to be known in the FBI. He has access to absolutely everything.”
Nixon: “What would do you with Felt?”
Halderman: “Well, I‘d ask Dean.”
Nixon: “What the hell would he do?”
Halderman: “He says you can‘t prosecute him, that he hasn‘t committed any crime. Dean‘s concerned if you let him know, he‘ll go out and go on network television.”
Nixon: “Is he a Catholic?”
Halderman says: “Jewish.”
Nixon: “Christ, put a Jew in there?”
Halderman: “Well, that could explain it, too.”