Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To Clarify, God Called Her To Run - But Didn't Neccessarily Call Her To Win

Poor MN sixth congressional district GOP candidate Michele Bachmann. Typer in her name in the search box at and you'll find all kinds of video of her espousing crazy thoughts and theories:

- She doesn't believe in global warming.

- She claims there is "a controversy among scientists whether evolution is a fact or not" and then also claims that "hundreds and hundreds" of scientists believe that God created the world in six days in creationism in intelligent design.

- She believes the US should not remove the "nuclear response" option when dealing with Iran.

- She claims that it is God's will that she run for Congress, that He made His calling clear. At this same event the pastor personally endorsed Bachmann, leading to a complaint being filed with the IRS because churches can't campaign for candidates. All of this led to Bachmann getting the bronze in Monday's edition of Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World."

The good news for Bachmann is that she is a lock to pick up the Flat Earth Society's endorsement in the sixth district.

Update: I just realized that the pastor who endorses Bachmann sounds just like Foghorn Leghorn.