"Don't Tread On Me"
It's kinda hard working up my usual anti-royalty ire when the visiting monarch is a white-haired 97-year old lady. But as Craig Crawford points out, we Americans have no business bowing to royaltly.
I'll instead direct my barbs at the British and all the other assorted rubes across the globe who believe in royalty. Last time I checked, all men were created equal. If you think someone rules over you by priviledge of birth, you're an idiot. Especially if you're British and are being "ruled" by a German family.
And I loved Michael Wilbon's quote today on Pardon the Interruption. During "Tossup," when asked if he'd rather dine with the queen or with the jockey who won the Kentucky Derby, Wilbon chose the jockey. Then he threw in a jab at the queen, saying that she: "would probably want me to stand on her lawn when dinner was over."