Who Snuck That Photo Of The Fighting Sioux Featured In A Win Over SCSU Into This Article? (Not Me, Seriously)
Minnesota is today's featured article at Wikipedia.
Things I learned from skimming the article:
The name Minnesota comes from the word for the Minnesota River in the Dakota language, mnisota. The Dakota word Mni (sometimes spelled mini, or minne) can be translated as "water". Mnisota is then translated as sky-tinted water or somewhat clouded water.
Hmm. We better change the name of the state to appease all those "speak English or get out" bigots.
Its isolated Northwest Angle in Lake of the Woods is the only part of the 48 contiguous states lying north of the 49th Parallel.
In your face, Canada! Or maybe its: In your face, rest of you borders-on-the-49th-parallel states!
Potlucks, usually with a variety of hotdish casseroles, are popular at community functions, especially church activities.
I brought this one up just to point out how much I hate potlucks and am glad I no longer work in offices where "hey let's have a potluck on Friday!" was signal for me to remember on Friday to skip out for lunch to the City Center food court. When I was temping, I even called in fake-sick once to avoid a potluck.
I also found out that the Twin Cities is the 16th-largest metropolitan area in the United States. And here I thought it was the 13th or 14th.