This? This? This is the Miley Cyrus photo from Vanity Fair that is causing all the hubbub? The prudes in this country (the photo was referred to as "child pornography" in the letters section of Sunday's Strib) apparently have just been informed that fifteen-year old girls have skin on their backs.
My, how times have changed. Back in the day, we needed naughty fifteen-year old Brooke "Commando" Shields to stir up some controversy. And being just a few months younger than her and hence also being fifteen at the time - I loved those Calvin Klein ads.
And to bring things full circle ... Shields portrays Cyrus's mom on Hannah Montana.
(A dorm buddy of mine at UND went on to graduate school at Princeton the same time that Shields was there. He informed us that she had tried to jump him as he walked out of the chemistry lab, but fortunately he had on a tearaway jersey! Love those jokers from the dorm!)