Why Didn't I Catch On To This Earlier?
I have been openly campaigning to be Barack Obama's VP candidate for a year or four ("Obama/Tuomala" You gotta love it and you will once you say it aloud.) I should have ripped Hillary "Nixon In A Pantsuit" Clinton earlier for downing a shot of Crown Royal while cynically (hey Tuomala: it's the Clintons, "cynically" always applies) campaigning in Pennsylvania weeks back:
Crown Royal, Senator Clinton? It's Canadian whisky! Meaning it's not AMERICAN. Meaning it's blended: lighter and smoother (Wikipedia says so) than the tough-guy bourbons and ryes that real Americans drink. Plus it has a royalist name ... Crown Royal? Obviously your drinking that royalist-named shot was a nod to the fact that you and your husband consider yourself American royalty who deserve another term on the throne.
I'm Bill Tuomala, a real American. And tonight I drank straight rye whiskey from Kentucky, USA. Old Overholt and myself approved this message.
(BTW, it was an online buddy of mine who came up with the "Nixon In A Pantsuit" tag, I've only been repeating it incessantly.)