An End of Weekend Diary-Like Blog Entry
Friday - Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. Uff-daaaaaa. Oddly, Loverboy tune "Working For The Weekend" showed up in the film. I didn't know this when I typed my June 26th post. Also in the film was the Electric Six's "Danger (High Voltage)." On the way back to work in the car, I declared said single "the best since 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'." Fifty-two hours later, I stand by my statement. Then I went down to Gardner Hardware and watched them drop an anvil on a Ford Taurus from four floors up. Heavy metal!
Saturday - Went to a family reunion. Cousins rule. As do aunts and uncles. So go call up your favorite cousin or parent's sibling (or parent or sibling) and meet for lunch or beers or a barbecue. Family rules!
Later Saturday - Saw Naked Jesus perform at the Terminal Bar. These guys have only existed as legend for years, allegedly putting tunes to tape for over a decade but never performing live. (I call them "The Steely Dan of Fargo.") Well they played last night and all I can say is what Dave Marsh said about Dylan's Street Legal album: Weird beyond immediate comment. They did have a great tune about Fargo and monkeypox and prairie dogs. Shoulda grabbed one of those lyric sheets that was lying around. The next band up was some hippie acoustic guitar/violin/keyboards/drums stuff (blog header: "Never Trust A Hippie") that annoyed me to no end, mostly because of the drumming. Play a goddamned BEAT, hippie! So I came home and drank Summit Indias and blasted old AC/DC featuring Phil Rudd on drums on headphones as a cure (blog header: "Dr. Phil".)
Sunday - Cosmic Slop hosts Chuck and Joel had their annual Pride Festival show, playing tunes that are either by gay artists or are about being gay. They said that Billy Squier is gay, which will lead me to a total re-listening of 16 Strokes. I emailed in a request for some Judas Priest - they responded with Chuck reading aloud the lyrics to three songs from the Defenders of the Faith album. Chuck admitted to becoming Steve Allen. Classic. If you haven't checked out Cosmic Slop yet, it's highly recommended: Sunday afternoons two until four Central time on the great Radio K. (Online listening available.)
Later Sunday - I finished the afternoon by running out and buying the new Electric Six album, featuring the tune (natch) "Gay Bar." My purchase of a Faces album led to a discussion with the counter dude about Rod Stewart. I told him about an mp3 I have of Stewart singing "What's Made Milwaukee Famous (Has Made A Loser Out of Me)." Hope no RIAA spies were listening in.