God Says No
Traditionalists like Mel Gibson aren't the only Catholics being goofballs lately. The Vatican, in an apparent attempt to recreate its glory days of "Galileo Is A Heretic", unleashed two whoppers this week:
1) The president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family said that condoms don't stop AIDS.
2) The pope's right-hand man pooh-poohed his Church's systematic cover-up of molesting priests. Dude, you're lucky the RICO Act wasn't unleashed on your organization!
The sad part is that some of the folks who think they see Jesus' mom in random cloud formations and sandwich toppings will eat the above crap up.
Meanwhile, Pat Robertson's wishes to nuke our nation's capital are going ignored. Shouldn't we be sending this clown to Guantanamo?
But truly, isn't it chuckle-worthy to see that both Catholic and Protestant can be equally stoopid?