Thursday, October 23, 2003

Grin And Bear It
Stay Away From My Schlitz

I went to the dentist yesterday to have a cavity filled. Before the procedure, the dental assistant asked if I wanted a "white or silver filling." I replied "I don't know." Hey - I'm dentally uninformed and haven't had a filling in over ten years. Turns out you can get white fillings that aren't as readily visible as the silver ones. I went for the silver filling because: 1) it would match all the rest of the ones in my mouth, and 2) it was seventy bucks cheaper.

The assistant said that many people prefer the white ones for aesthetic reasons and that some people have had their old silver fillings replaced with white ones. (After all, my dental clinic is located in Minnetonka.) Which led me to believe that in ten or twenty years, hipster kids will be going to dentists in droves to have their white fillings replaced with silver ones because it's "retro."

So like Chuck Taylors and Pabst Blue Ribbon, the hipster kids will be embracing something that I have enjoyed continuously and unironically for decades. (Okay, I don't exactly enjoy my fillings - but you know what I mean.) It makes me want to shove all my old mesh hats down their throats!