Oh, Trust Me, Bill Tuomala Wrote The Greatest Book Ever. Than He Threw It Away.
Damn, I missed the Brian Wilson Smile concert last night! Nothing I look forward more to than shows by mentally-damaged obese old guys who no longer bother to make new music. (This includes Ozzy too, but at least everyone will admit Ozzy is a headwreck plus I'll take the power and glory of Sabbath over the cute dainty pop of Wilson any hour, any day.) In the Strib, Jon Bream referred to Wilson as "the greatest composer of the rock era", then piled on by saying that the Smile album was/is a "masterwork." Uh, Jon, how can something be considered a masterwork if NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD IT?
And I wonder what Pete Townshend is thinking about this Smile thing. He coasted off Tommy for a while, then dusted off Quadrophenia for a tour. This woke up Wilson, who responded with a Pet Sounds tour. But Pete, still being intelligent and thin, dove back into his unreleased tour de force, Lifehouse, a few years back and made a freakin' SIX-DISC BOX SET out of it. I mean, you know what they say about the size of a man's unreleased masterwork ...