Next Step: Draping Myself In Velvet
I'm going through physical therapy and we are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes to the sessions, which involve learning a bunch of new exercices. So for me, it's typically sweat pants and a teeshirt. I've been able to schedule the sessions on days I'm working at home, but on Tuesday I had to go to a client's right after therapy. The PT place doesn't have a locker room to change in, and I didn't feel like using the men's room. So I wore sweat pants to my client's. No big deal as her office is at her house and I just had to interact with her and her husband, but it still felt weird wearing sweatpants out in the real world. And since pretty much everything leads back to Seinfeld:
JERRY: Again with the sweat pants?
GEORGE: What? I'm comfortable.
JERRY: You know the message you're sending out to the world with these sweat pants? You're telling the world: "I give up. I can't compete in normal society. I'm miserable, so I might as well be comfortable."
Come to think of it, I didn't shave today either ...
But hey - my inbox tells me I just got an accounting recommendation on LinkedIn from Tuesday's client. Sweatpants: Not just for the health club, physical therapy, and holiday meals any more.