"On The Midnight Shift I'm Rarely Sober"
I have been on record before as saying that I think that The Wire is the greatest TV series ever. Finishing up season four on DVD New Year's Eve night further confirms this for me.
Amazon.com has three prequels on their site:
1) Young Prop Joe
2) Young Omar
3) When Bunk met McNulty
Two The Wire things happened to me today:
1) I was at Office Max getting some office supplies and ran into the owner of the Country Bar. She asked what I did for New Year's and I said I had watched The Wire. We chatted a little more, then parted ways. Soon a young black man approached me and said I he had overheard that I had watched the show. He said he hasn't missed an episode and asked for my "honest assessment." I told him it was the greatest TV series ever, that it seems so real, that everybody - good guys, bad guys, - comes across as truly human. He nodded in agreement and thanked me for sharing my opinion. We both agreed that maybe it's best that the show will end after its soon-to-air fifth season - it might be best to go out while doing its best.
2) On Pardon the Interruption today, Tony said that people around him are telling him to watch The Wire.