What: Replaying of Super Bowl V (Original score: Baltimore Colts 16, Dallas Cowboys 13.)
When: Super Bowl Sunday, mid-afternoon.
How: Using my brother's Sports Illustrated Football Game, which I kind of inherited.
Who: Me, playing solitaire.
Where: My place, complete with live blogging of all scoring plays and quarterly updates.
Why: Why not? Why this specific board game? Let's just say I have some experience playing this game solitaire and rather enjoy it and leave it at that. Why this Super Bowl? I only have the 1970 season with the SI game.
By the way ... while surfing about this board game last week, I determined that SI's football game was bought by Avalon Hill, who renamed it Paydirt. The game eventually went out of print, but there is a cadre of die-hard fans who continue to make their own charts for each season or for certain (usually playoff or Super Bowl) teams. This includes someone locally.
I also found out (the Silver Surfer strikes!) that the reason the Cowboys were wearing their dark jerseys while being the designated home team is that back then the NFL dictated - if you can imagine the NFL dicatating something heh heh - that the designated home teams wear their dark jerseys.