Roadrunner Records is having a sale through Sunday - 15% off of new stuff and 20% off of new. They mailed me a postcard and by returning it along with my email address I got an additional 5% off. So this afternoon I went and bought used six LPs and only spent fourteen bucks and change! I haven't listened to all of 'em yet - the turntable is in the living room and here in the writing office I just have iTunes, online streaming, and a regular ol' radio.
And I think this is the year that for the most part purchased CDs come to an end for me. I was hesitant to buy too much off of iTunes because the lack of liner notes freaked me out. But you know what? Liner notes in CD booklets are getting too tiny for my old eyes to read, and I just got a new eyes prescription last fall. Plus booklet designers are hung up on the white-type-on-black-background thing, and that is tough enough to read even if you have young eyes. So I think 2008 will bring up an interesting combo in my music purchasing: Old-school vinyl (cheap and fun!) and digital downloads (easily be burned to a CD to play on the stereo or in the car.) Now I understand those "CD, RIP" articles I saw earlier this year.