Paul Westerberg dropped a new album on us recently, it is only available via a 49-cent download. After three listens, three thoughts about Paul Westerberg's new 49:00 album:
1) I had it in my car today and said: "Fuck it, I'm declaring this: The best breakdown/mess/WTF album ever! It tops both Smile by The Beach Boys and Sister Lovers by Big Star! And he delivered the goods when he intended to! Plus he doesn't appear to be actually going through a breakdown!" (I may have to beat this take into the ground.)
2) If that's not convincing enough, it's the best fifty-cents-or-less album I've bought this year, it even beats The Bangles All Over The Place LP which I scored at Roadrunner this spring for a half-dollar. Man, the CD truly IS dead.
3) How about this? "Westerberg has a new album out, but you haven't heard it yet. You're at the bar, drinking alone, and somebody plays 45 minutes worth of Westerberg songs that you've never heard on the jukebox. You know it's the new one. But between barflies distracting you with drunk talk, you scoping out twenty-something hotties who are dotted around the place, and the Twins vs. Pale Hose game on the TV, you don't pay complete attention to the music, which keeps grabbing at you. That's what listening to Westerberg's new one is like."