Poster Offensive IV, My Soundtrack (Kinda)
I deejayed at the Frank Stone Gallery Friday night for the opening there of the fourth Poster Offensive show. Go check it out (it's there until October 12th) as there are some brilliant and beautiful posters to view and also purchase. The goal was to play political/topical/social commentary songs and highlights/lowlights for me included:
Def Jeff setting the deejays up with a stash of gin and tonic ingredients. Bombay Sapphire? Freakin' good!
Emotional reunion with my now-in-NYC (except this weekend, natch) deejay buddies. All the same stupid inside jokes work!
Wanting to play both the Yardbirds' "You're A Better Man Than I" and "Shapes of Things" and figuring out that I could loophole it by playing the Jeff Beck Group's version of "Shapes of Things."
Playing Brownsville Station's "Smokin' in the Boys Room" (protest music, get it?), expecting all the over-forty crowd to come up and slap me high-fives ... and having the song only be acknowledged by somebody who was born years after it hit #1.
Getting thumbs-up on Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Saturday Night Special" from the same man who once shook his head in amazement that I grew in North Dakota. He had then proceeded to describe winters there as "a cold sunovabitch."
Telling a rather attractive older woman that "this is just a hobby" when she asked if I could deejay an event for her. Then saying to myself: "Who the hell are you? Bo Jackson?"
Spotting a Finnish word on a poster. (Remarkable as I only know a dozen or so Suomalainen words.)
Winding up my night of spinning by playing Metallica's "Master of Puppets." Legend (if legends can be only twenty-four hours old) has it that I started the Metallica and then walked away, but in reality the Met brought Ben in a hurry from the floor so that he could take over and play Slayer. I walked away after he showed up as it had been quite a while deejaying without a bathroom break and concurrently quite a while with folks bringing me drinks as I deejayed, leading to a bladder inbalance.
Ben, Def Jeff, and I singing along with the chorus of Big Country's "In a Big Country." Beautiful, man.
Yelling "Don't take the brown acid!" after Def Jeff got done with his good night and good luck announcement.