Back in the days when I was temping, there was a stock figure who appeared in the large offices I worked at. He was the Nice Guy Accountant. Sometimes being a temp meant being shunned by the regulars, but Nice Guy Accountant would strike up a conversation with me and make me feel a little bit more comfortable. Problem was, his talk always turned to "the market":
All he talks about are bonds, investments, and the stock market. I’m sorry, I want to say, but money bores the shit out of me. Earlier this week, he was talking to the gal in the cubicle next to his about some “Wall Street Week” show that he watches on PBS on Friday nights and was going on and on about how cool the host of the show is. The gal finally shut him up by saying “you’re pathetic.” I cracked up and couldn’t stop laughing. Then she started laughing, which made me laugh more, which made her laugh more, etc.
Let's see ... I was making like twelve bucks an hour, lived in a tiny one-bedroom apartment, and only allowed myself to not brown bag my lunch and eat out on Fridays. You think I really cared that much about the Dow?