Wait - You Mean Those Hijackers Were Saudi and Not Iraqi?
You would hope that the Bush administration would come down hard on a corrupt monarchy that has ties to the terrorists behind the 9/11 attacks, but it isn't likely to happen. You would hope that the Bush administration would de-classify 28 pages of a report on 9/11, but it isn't likely to happen. From the Star Tribune:
Classified sections of Congress' Sept. 11 report lay out a web of connections among Saudi businessmen, royal family, charities and banks that may have aided Al-Qaida or the suicide hijackers, according to people who have seen the report.
Senators who have seen the report (including a significant Republican) say that the 18 minutes ... I mean 28 pages should be seen by the public:
On Friday, 46 Democratic senators asked Bush to release the deleted material, asserting that the national security issues raised by Bush could be addressed by careful editing of sensitive passages. Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, also has called for its release.
Meanwhile, City Pages has published the Bush administration's Top 40 Lies About War and Terrorism, and the New Yorker wonders why Osama bin Laden hasn't been captured or destroyed yet. But hey - I feel safer now that Iraq has been taught a lesson. It reminds me of when we ran to those nasty commies out of Grenada!